Source code for megfile.lib.s3_limited_seekable_writer

import os
from io import BytesIO
from logging import getLogger as get_logger
from typing import Optional

from megfile.errors import raise_s3_error
from megfile.interfaces import Seekable
from megfile.lib.s3_buffered_writer import S3BufferedWriter

_logger = get_logger(__name__)

[docs]class S3LimitedSeekableWriter(Seekable, S3BufferedWriter): ''' For file format like msgpack and mp4, it's a pain that you need to write header before writing the data. So it's kind of hard to make streaming write to unseekable file system like s3. In this case, we will try to keep the first and last parts of data in memory, so we can come back to head again and write the header at the last second. ''' def __init__( self, bucket: str, key: str, *, s3_client, block_size: int = DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE, head_block_size: Optional[int] = None, tail_block_size: Optional[int] = None, max_block_size: int = DEFAULT_MAX_BLOCK_SIZE, max_buffer_size: int = DEFAULT_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE, max_workers: Optional[int] = None, profile_name: Optional[str] = None): super().__init__( bucket, key, s3_client=s3_client, block_size=block_size, max_block_size=max_block_size, max_buffer_size=max_buffer_size, max_workers=max_workers, profile_name=profile_name) self._head_block_size = head_block_size or block_size self._tail_block_size = tail_block_size or block_size self._head_buffer = BytesIO() @property def _head_size(self) -> int: return len(self._head_buffer.getvalue()) @property def _tail_size(self) -> int: return len(self._buffer.getvalue()) @property def _tail_offset(self) -> int: return self._content_size - self._tail_size
[docs] def seek(self, offset: int, whence: int = os.SEEK_SET) -> int: if self.closed: raise IOError('file already closed: %r' % if whence == os.SEEK_SET: target_offset = offset elif whence == os.SEEK_CUR: target_offset = self._offset + offset elif whence == os.SEEK_END: target_offset = self._content_size + offset if target_offset < self._head_block_size: elif target_offset >= self._tail_offset: - self._tail_offset) else: raise OSError( 'Can only seek inside of head, or seek to tail, target offset: %d' % target_offset) self._offset = target_offset return self._offset
[docs] def write(self, data: bytes) -> int: if self.closed: raise IOError('file already closed: %r' % if self._head_size != self._head_block_size: # no tail part yet self._write_to_head(data) elif self._offset < self._head_block_size: # tail part already created self._write_to_head_after_tail_part_created(data) elif self._offset >= self._tail_offset: self._write_to_tail(data) else: raise OSError( 'Can only write inside of head, or write to tail, current offset: %d' % self._offset) return len(data)
def _write_to_head(self, data: bytes): if self._offset + len(data) <= self._head_block_size: self._head_buffer.write(data) self._content_size = self._offset = self._head_size if self._content_size == self._head_block_size: self._part_number += 1 else: # head part exceeded offset = self._head_block_size - self._offset self._head_buffer.write(data[:offset]) self._content_size = self._offset = self._head_size self._part_number += 1 self._write_to_tail(data[offset:]) def _write_to_head_after_tail_part_created(self, data: bytes): if self._offset + len(data) > self._head_block_size: raise Exception( 'Head part overflow, %d bytes left but try to write %d bytes' % (self._head_block_size - self._offset, len(data))) self._head_buffer.write(data) self._offset += len(data) def _write_to_tail(self, data: bytes): self._buffer.write(data) if self._buffer.tell() >= self._block_size + self._tail_block_size: self._submit_futures() self._offset += len(data) if self._offset > self._content_size: self._content_size = self._offset def _submit_futures(self): content = self._buffer.getvalue() if len(content) == 0: return offset = len(content) - self._tail_block_size self._buffer = BytesIO(content[offset:]), os.SEEK_END) self._submit_upload_content(content[:offset]) def _close(self): _logger.debug('close file: %r' % if not self._is_multipart: with raise_s3_error( self._client.put_object( Bucket=self._bucket, Key=self._key, Body=self._head_buffer.getvalue() + self._buffer.getvalue()) self._shutdown() return self._submit_upload_buffer(1, self._head_buffer.getvalue()) self._head_buffer = BytesIO() # clean memory content = self._buffer.getvalue() if len(content) > 0: self._submit_upload_content(content) self._buffer = BytesIO() # clean memory with raise_s3_error( self._client.complete_multipart_upload( Bucket=self._bucket, Key=self._key, MultipartUpload=self._multipart_upload, UploadId=self._upload_id, ) self._shutdown()