Source code for megfile.lib.s3_prefetch_reader

import os
from concurrent.futures import Future
from io import BytesIO
from typing import Optional

from megfile.errors import S3FileChangedError, S3InvalidRangeError, patch_method, raise_s3_error, s3_should_retry
from megfile.lib.base_prefetch_reader import BasePrefetchReader, LRUCacheFutureManager

__all__ = [

[docs]class S3PrefetchReader(BasePrefetchReader): ''' Reader to fast read the s3 content. This will divide the file content into equal parts of block_size size, and will use LRU to cache at most block_capacity blocks in memory. open(), seek() and read() will trigger prefetch read. The prefetch will cached block_forward blocks of data from offset position (the position after reading if the called function is read). ''' def __init__( self, bucket: str, key: str, *, s3_client, block_size: int = DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE, block_capacity: int = DEFAULT_BLOCK_CAPACITY, block_forward: Optional[int] = None, max_retries: int = 10, max_workers: Optional[int] = None, profile_name: Optional[str] = None): self._bucket = bucket self._key = key self._client = s3_client self._profile_name = profile_name super().__init__( block_size=block_size, block_capacity=block_capacity, block_forward=block_forward, max_retries=max_retries, max_workers=max_workers) def _get_content_size(self): try: start, end = 0, self._block_size - 1 first_index_response = self._fetch_response(start=start, end=end) content_size = int( first_index_response['ContentRange'].split('/')[-1]) except S3InvalidRangeError: # usually when read a empty file # TODO: use minio test empty file: first_index_response = self._fetch_response() content_size = int(first_index_response['ContentLength']) first_future = Future() first_future.set_result(first_index_response['Body']) self._insert_futures(index=0, future=first_future) self._content_etag = first_index_response['ETag'] self._content_info = first_index_response return content_size @property def name(self) -> str: return 's3%s://%s/%s' % ( f"+{self._profile_name}" if self._profile_name else "", self._bucket, self._key) def _fetch_response( self, start: Optional[int] = None, end: Optional[int] = None) -> dict: def fetch_response() -> dict: if start is None or end is None: return self._client.get_object( Bucket=self._bucket, Key=self._key) range_str = f'bytes={start}-{end}' response = self._client.get_object( Bucket=self._bucket, Key=self._key, Range=range_str) response['Body'] = BytesIO(response['Body'].read()) return response fetch_response = patch_method( fetch_response, max_retries=self._max_retries, should_retry=s3_should_retry) with raise_s3_error( return fetch_response() def _fetch_buffer(self, index: int) -> BytesIO: start, end = index * self._block_size, ( index + 1) * self._block_size - 1 response = self._fetch_response(start=start, end=end) etag = response.get('ETag', None) if etag is not None and etag != self._content_etag: # pytype: disable=attribute-error raise S3FileChangedError( 'File changed: %r, etag before: %s, after: %s' % (, self._content_info, response)) # pytype: disable=attribute-error return response['Body']