Source code for megfile.pathlike

import os
import stat
from import Sequence
from enum import Enum
from functools import wraps
from typing import IO, Any, AnyStr, BinaryIO, Callable, Iterator, List, NamedTuple, Optional, Tuple, Union

from megfile.lib.compat import PathLike as _PathLike
from megfile.lib.compat import fspath
from megfile.lib.fnmatch import _compile_pattern
from megfile.lib.joinpath import uri_join
from megfile.utils import cachedproperty, classproperty

# Python 3.5+ compatible
class StatResult(NamedTuple):

    size: int = 0
    ctime: float = 0.0
    mtime: float = 0.0
    isdir: bool = False
    islnk: bool = False
    extra: Any = None  # raw stat info

in Python 3.6+

_StatResult = NamedTuple(
    'StatResult', [
        ('size', int), ('ctime', float), ('mtime', float), ('isdir', bool),
        ('islnk', bool), ('extra', Any)
_StatResult.__new__.__defaults__ = (0, 0.0, 0.0, False, False, None)

class Access(Enum):
    READ = 1
    WRITE = 2

[docs]class StatResult(_StatResult):
[docs] def is_file(self) -> bool: return not self.isdir or self.islnk
[docs] def is_dir(self) -> bool: return self.isdir and not self.islnk
@property def st_mode(self) -> int: ''' File mode: file type and file mode bits (permissions). Only support fs. ''' if self.extra and hasattr(self.extra, 'st_mode'): return self.extra.st_mode if self.is_symlink(): return stat.S_IFLNK elif self.is_dir(): return stat.S_IFDIR return stat.S_IFREG @property def st_ino(self) -> int: ''' Platform dependent, but if non-zero, uniquely identifies the file for a given value of st_dev. Typically: the inode number on Unix, the file index on Windows, the decimal of etag on oss. ''' if self.extra: if hasattr(self.extra, 'st_ino'): return self.extra.st_ino elif isinstance(self.extra, dict) and self.extra.get('ETag'): return int(self.extra['ETag'][1:-1], 16) return 0 @property def st_dev(self) -> int: ''' Identifier of the device on which this file resides. ''' if self.extra: if hasattr(self.extra, 'st_dev'): return self.extra.st_dev return 0 @property def st_nlink(self) -> int: ''' Number of hard links. Only support fs. ''' if self.extra and hasattr(self.extra, 'st_nlink'): return self.extra.st_nlink return 0 @property def st_uid(self) -> int: ''' User identifier of the file owner. Only support fs. ''' if self.extra and hasattr(self.extra, 'st_uid'): return self.extra.st_uid return 0 @property def st_gid(self) -> int: ''' Group identifier of the file owner. Only support fs. ''' if self.extra and hasattr(self.extra, 'st_gid'): return self.extra.st_gid return 0 @property def st_size(self) -> int: ''' Size of the file in bytes. ''' if self.extra and hasattr(self.extra, 'st_size'): return self.extra.st_size return self.size @property def st_atime(self) -> float: ''' Time of most recent access expressed in seconds. Only support fs. ''' if self.extra and hasattr(self.extra, 'st_atime'): return self.extra.st_atime return 0.0 @property def st_mtime(self) -> float: ''' Time of most recent content modification expressed in seconds. ''' if self.extra and hasattr(self.extra, 'st_mtime'): return self.extra.st_mtime return self.mtime @property def st_ctime(self) -> float: ''' Platform dependent: the time of most recent metadata change on Unix, the time of creation on Windows, expressed in seconds, the time of file created on oss; if is dir, return the latest ctime of the files in dir. ''' if self.extra and hasattr(self.extra, 'st_ctime'): return self.extra.st_ctime return self.ctime @property def st_atime_ns(self) -> int: ''' Time of most recent access expressed in nanoseconds as an integer. Only support fs. ''' if self.extra and hasattr(self.extra, 'st_atime_ns'): return self.extra.st_atime_ns return 0 @property def st_mtime_ns(self) -> int: ''' Time of most recent content modification expressed in nanoseconds as an integer. Only support fs. ''' if self.extra and hasattr(self.extra, 'st_mtime_ns'): return self.extra.st_mtime_ns return 0 @property def st_ctime_ns(self) -> int: ''' Platform dependent: the time of most recent metadata change on Unix, the time of creation on Windows, expressed in nanoseconds as an integer. Only support fs. ''' if self.extra and hasattr(self.extra, 'st_ctime_ns'): return self.extra.st_ctime_ns return 0
''' class FileEntry(NamedTuple): name: str stat: StatResult in Python 3.6+ ''' _FileEntry = NamedTuple( 'FileEntry', [('name', str), ('path', str), ('stat', StatResult)]) class FileEntry(_FileEntry): def inode(self) -> Optional[Union[int, str]]: return self.stat.st_ino def is_file(self) -> bool: return self.stat.is_file() def is_dir(self) -> bool: return self.stat.is_dir() def is_symlink(self) -> bool: return self.stat.is_symlink() def method_not_implemented(func): @wraps(func) def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError( 'method %r not implemented: %r' % (func.__name__, self)) return wrapper class BasePath: def __init__(self, path: "PathLike"): self.path = str(path) def __str__(self) -> str: return self.path def __repr__(self) -> str: return '%s(%r)' % (self.__class__.__name__, str(self)) def __bytes__(self) -> bytes: return str(self).encode() def __fspath__(self) -> str: return self.path def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash(fspath(self)) def __eq__(self, other_path: "BasePath") -> bool: return fspath(self) == fspath(other_path) # pytype: disable=bad-return-type @method_not_implemented def is_dir(self, followlinks: bool = False) -> bool: # type: ignore """Return True if the path points to a directory.""" @method_not_implemented def is_file(self, followlinks: bool = False) -> bool: # type: ignore """Return True if the path points to a regular file.""" def is_symlink(self) -> bool: return False @method_not_implemented def access(self, mode: Access) -> bool: # type: ignore """Return True if the path has access permission described by mode.""" @method_not_implemented def exists(self, followlinks: bool = False) -> bool: # type: ignore """Whether the path points to an existing file or directory.""" # listdir or iterdir? @method_not_implemented def listdir(self) -> List[str]: # type: ignore """Return the names of the entries in the directory the path points to.""" @method_not_implemented def scandir(self) -> Iterator[FileEntry]: # type: ignore """Return an iterator of FileEntry objects corresponding to the entries in the directory.""" @method_not_implemented def getsize(self, follow_symlinks: bool = True) -> int: # type: ignore """Return the size, in bytes.""" @method_not_implemented def getmtime(self, follow_symlinks: bool = True) -> float: # type: ignore """Return the time of last modification.""" @method_not_implemented def stat(self, follow_symlinks=True) -> StatResult: # type: ignore """Get the status of the path.""" @method_not_implemented def remove(self, missing_ok: bool = False) -> None: """Remove (delete) the file.""" @method_not_implemented def unlink(self, missing_ok: bool = False) -> None: """Remove (delete) the file.""" @method_not_implemented def mkdir( self, mode=0o777, parents: bool = False, exist_ok: bool = False) -> None: """Create a directory.""" @method_not_implemented def rmdir(self) -> None: """Remove (delete) the directory.""" @method_not_implemented def open(self, mode: str = 'r', **kwargs) -> IO[AnyStr]: # type: ignore """Open the file with mode.""" @method_not_implemented def walk(self, followlinks: bool = False ) -> Iterator[Tuple[str, List[str], List[str]]]: # type: ignore """Generate the file names in a directory tree by walking the tree.""" @method_not_implemented def scan(self, missing_ok: bool = True, followlinks: bool = False) -> Iterator[str]: # type: ignore """Iterate through the files in the directory.""" @method_not_implemented def scan_stat(self, missing_ok: bool = True, followlinks: bool = False ) -> Iterator[FileEntry]: # type: ignore """Iterate through the files in the directory, with file stat.""" @method_not_implemented def glob(self, pattern, recursive: bool = True, missing_ok: bool = True) -> List['BasePath']: # type: ignore """Return files whose paths match the glob pattern.""" @method_not_implemented def iglob(self, pattern, recursive: bool = True, missing_ok: bool = True) -> Iterator['BasePath']: # type: ignore """Return an iterator of files whose paths match the glob pattern.""" @method_not_implemented def glob_stat( self, pattern, recursive: bool = True, missing_ok: bool = True) -> Iterator[FileEntry]: # type: ignore """Return an iterator of files with stat whose paths match the glob pattern.""" @method_not_implemented def load(self) -> BinaryIO: # type: ignore """Read all content in binary.""" @method_not_implemented def save(self, file_object: BinaryIO): """Write the opened binary stream to the path.""" @method_not_implemented def joinpath(self, *other_paths: "PathLike") -> 'BasePath': # type: ignore """Join or or more path.""" @method_not_implemented def abspath(self): # type: ignore """Return a normalized absolutized version of the path.""" @method_not_implemented def realpath(self): # type: ignore """Return the canonical path of the path.""" @method_not_implemented def relpath(self, start=None): # type: ignore """Return the relative path.""" @method_not_implemented def is_absolute(self) -> bool: # type: ignore """Return True if the path is an absolute pathname.""" @method_not_implemented def is_mount(self) -> bool: # type: ignore """Return True if the path is a mount point.""" @method_not_implemented def resolve(self): # type: ignore """Alias of realpath.""" def touch(self): with'w'): pass # will be deleted in next version def is_link(self) -> bool: return self.is_symlink() def makedirs(self, exist_ok: bool = False) -> None: ''' Recursive directory creation function. Like mkdir(), but makes all intermediate-level directories needed to contain the leaf directory. ''' self.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=exist_ok) # pytype: enable=bad-return-type PathLike = Union[str, BasePath, _PathLike] class BaseURIPath(BasePath): # ##### # Backwards compatible API, will be removed in megfile 1.0 @classmethod def get_protocol(self) -> Optional[str]: pass # pragma: no cover @classproperty def protocol(cls) -> str: return cls.get_protocol() def make_uri(self) -> str: return self.path_with_protocol def as_uri(self) -> str: return self.make_uri() # ##### @cachedproperty def path_with_protocol(self) -> str: '''Return path with protocol, like file:///root, s3://bucket/key''' path = self.path protocol_prefix = self.protocol + "://" if path.startswith(protocol_prefix): return path return protocol_prefix + path.lstrip('/') @cachedproperty def path_without_protocol(self) -> str: '''Return path without protocol, example: if path is s3://bucket/key, return bucket/key''' path = self.path protocol_prefix = self.protocol + "://" if path.startswith(protocol_prefix): path = path[len(protocol_prefix):] return path def as_posix(self) -> str: '''Return a string representation of the path with forward slashes (/)''' return self.path_with_protocol @classmethod def from_path(cls, path) -> "BaseURIPath": """Return new instance of this class :param path: new path :return: new instance of new path :rtype: BaseURIPath """ return cls(path) @classmethod def from_uri(cls, path: str) -> "BaseURIPath": protocol_prefix = cls.protocol + "://" if path[:len(protocol_prefix)] != protocol_prefix: raise ValueError( "protocol not match, expected: %r, got: %r" % (cls.protocol, path)) return cls.from_path(path[len(protocol_prefix):]) def __fspath__(self) -> str: return self.as_uri() def __lt__(self, other_path: "BaseURIPath") -> bool: if not isinstance(other_path, BaseURIPath): raise TypeError("%r is not 'URIPath'" % other_path) if self.protocol != other_path.protocol: raise TypeError( "'<' not supported between instances of %r and %r" % (type(self), type(other_path))) return fspath(self) < fspath(other_path) def __le__(self, other_path: "BaseURIPath") -> bool: if not isinstance(other_path, BaseURIPath): raise TypeError("%r is not 'URIPath'" % other_path) if self.protocol != other_path.protocol: raise TypeError( "'<=' not supported between instances of %r and %r" % (type(self), type(other_path))) return str(self) <= str(other_path) def __gt__(self, other_path: "BaseURIPath") -> bool: if not isinstance(other_path, BaseURIPath): raise TypeError("%r is not 'URIPath'" % other_path) if self.protocol != other_path.protocol: raise TypeError( "'>' not supported between instances of %r and %r" % (type(self), type(other_path))) return str(self) > str(other_path) def __ge__(self, other_path: "BaseURIPath") -> bool: if not isinstance(other_path, BaseURIPath): raise TypeError("%r is not 'URIPath'" % other_path) if self.protocol != other_path.protocol: raise TypeError( "'>=' not supported between instances of %r and %r" % (type(self), type(other_path))) return str(self) >= str(other_path) @classproperty def drive(self) -> str: return '' @classproperty def root(self) -> str: return self.protocol + '://' @classproperty def anchor(self) -> str: return self.root class URIPath(BaseURIPath): def __init__(self, path: "PathLike", *other_paths: "PathLike"): if len(other_paths) > 0: path = self.from_path(path).joinpath(*other_paths) self.path = str(path) def __truediv__(self, other_path: PathLike) -> "BaseURIPath": if isinstance(other_path, BaseURIPath): if self.protocol != other_path.protocol: raise TypeError( "'/' not supported between instances of %r and %r" % (type(self), type(other_path))) elif not isinstance(other_path, str): raise TypeError("%r is not 'str' nor 'URIPath'" % other_path) return self.joinpath(other_path) def joinpath(self, *other_paths: PathLike) -> "BaseURIPath": '''Calling this method is equivalent to combining the path with each of the other arguments in turn''' return self.from_path(uri_join(str(self), *map(str, other_paths))) @cachedproperty def parts(self) -> Tuple[str]: '''A tuple giving access to the path’s various components''' parts = [self.root] path = self.path_without_protocol path = path.lstrip('/') if path != '': parts.extend(path.split('/')) return tuple(parts) @cachedproperty def parents(self) -> "URIPathParents": '''An immutable sequence providing access to the logical ancestors of the path''' return URIPathParents(self) @cachedproperty def parent(self) -> "BaseURIPath": '''The logical parent of the path''' if self.path_without_protocol == "/": return self elif len(self.parents) > 0: return self.parents[0] return self.from_path("") @cachedproperty def name(self) -> str: '''A string representing the final path component, excluding the drive and root''' parts = if len(parts) == 1 and parts[0] == self.protocol + "://": return '' return parts[-1] @cachedproperty def suffix(self) -> str: '''The file extension of the final component''' name = i = name.rfind('.') if 0 < i < len(name) - 1: return name[i:] return '' @cachedproperty def suffixes(self) -> List[str]: '''A list of the path’s file extensions''' name = if name.endswith('.'): return [] name = name.lstrip('.') return ['.' + suffix for suffix in name.split('.')[1:]] @cachedproperty def stem(self) -> str: '''The final path component, without its suffix''' name = i = name.rfind('.') if 0 < i < len(name) - 1: return name[:i] return name def is_reserved(self) -> bool: return False def match(self, pattern) -> bool: '''Match this path against the provided glob-style pattern. Return True if matching is successful, False otherwise''' match = _compile_pattern(pattern) for index in range(len(, 0, -1): path = '/'.join([index:]) if match(path) is not None: return True return match(self.path_with_protocol) is not None def is_relative_to(self, *other) -> bool: try: self.relative_to(*other) return True except Exception: return False def relative_to(self, *other) -> "BaseURIPath": ''' Compute a version of this path relative to the path represented by other. If it’s impossible, ValueError is raised. ''' if not other: raise TypeError("need at least one argument") other_path = self.from_path(other[0]) if len(other) > 0: other_path = other_path.joinpath(*other[1:]) other_path = other_path.path_with_protocol path = self.path_with_protocol if path.startswith(other_path): relative = path[len(other_path):] relative = relative.lstrip('/') return type(self)(relative) else: raise ValueError("%r does not start with %r" % (path, other)) def with_name(self, name) -> "BaseURIPath": '''Return a new path with the name changed''' path = str(self) raw_name = return self.from_path(path[:len(path) - len(raw_name)] + name) def with_stem(self, stem) -> "BaseURIPath": '''Return a new path with the stem changed''' return self.with_name("".join([stem, self.suffix])) def with_suffix(self, suffix) -> "BaseURIPath": '''Return a new path with the suffix changed''' path = str(self) raw_suffix = self.suffix return self.from_path(path[:len(path) - len(raw_suffix)] + suffix) def is_absolute(self) -> bool: return True def is_mount(self) -> bool: '''Test whether a path is a mount point :returns: True if a path is a mount point, else False ''' return False def is_socket(self) -> bool: ''' Return True if the path points to a Unix socket (or a symbolic link pointing to a Unix socket), False if it points to another kind of file. False is also returned if the path doesn’t exist or is a broken symlink; other errors (such as permission errors) are propagated. ''' return False def is_fifo(self) -> bool: ''' Return True if the path points to a FIFO (or a symbolic link pointing to a FIFO), False if it points to another kind of file. False is also returned if the path doesn’t exist or is a broken symlink; other errors (such as permission errors) are propagated. ''' return False def is_block_device(self) -> bool: ''' Return True if the path points to a block device (or a symbolic link pointing to a block device), False if it points to another kind of file. False is also returned if the path doesn’t exist or is a broken symlink; other errors (such as permission errors) are propagated. ''' return False def is_char_device(self) -> bool: ''' Return True if the path points to a character device (or a symbolic link pointing to a character device), False if it points to another kind of file. False is also returned if the path doesn’t exist or is a broken symlink; other errors (such as permission errors) are propagated. ''' return False def abspath(self) -> str: """Return a normalized absolutized version of the path.""" return self.path_with_protocol def realpath(self) -> str: """Return the canonical path of the path.""" return self.path_with_protocol def resolve(self): """Alias of realpath.""" return self.path_with_protocol def chmod(self, mode: int, *, follow_symlinks: bool = True): raise NotImplementedError(f"'chmod' is unsupported on '{type(self)}'") def lchmod(self, mode: int): ''' Like chmod() but, if the path points to a symbolic link, the symbolic link’s mode is changed rather than its target’s. ''' return self.chmod(mode=mode, follow_symlinks=False) def read_bytes(self) -> bytes: '''Return the binary contents of the pointed-to file as a bytes object''' with'rb') as f: return def read_text(self) -> str: '''Return the decoded contents of the pointed-to file as a string''' with'r') as f: return def rename(self, dst_path: PathLike) -> 'URIPath': raise NotImplementedError(f"'rename' is unsupported on '{type(self)}'") def replace(self, dst_path: PathLike) -> 'URIPath': ''' move file :param dst_path: Given destination path ''' return self.rename(dst_path=dst_path) def rglob(self, pattern) -> List['URIPath']: ''' This is like calling Path.glob() with “**/” added in front of the given relative pattern ''' if not pattern: pattern = "" pattern = '**/' + pattern.lstrip('/') return self.glob(pattern=pattern) def md5(self, recalculate: bool = False, followlinks: bool = False) -> str: raise NotImplementedError(f"'md5' is unsupported on '{type(self)}'") def samefile(self, other_path) -> bool: ''' Return whether this path points to the same file ''' if hasattr(other_path, 'protocol'): if other_path.protocol != self.protocol: return False stat = self.stat() if hasattr(other_path, 'stat'): other_path_stat = other_path.stat() else: other_path_stat = self.from_path(other_path).stat() return stat.st_ino == other_path_stat.st_ino and stat.st_dev == other_path_stat.st_dev def symlink(self, dst_path: PathLike) -> None: raise NotImplementedError(f"'symlink' is unsupported on '{type(self)}'") def symlink_to(self, target, target_is_directory=False): ''' Make this path a symbolic link to target. symlink_to's arguments is the reverse of symlink's. Target_is_directory’s value is ignored, only be compatible with pathlib.Path ''' return self.from_path( target).symlink( # type: ignore dst_path=self.path) def hardlink_to(self, target): ''' Make this path a hard link to the same file as target. ''' raise NotImplementedError( f"'hardlink_to' is unsupported on '{type(self)}'") def write_bytes(self, data: bytes): '''Open the file pointed to in bytes mode, write data to it, and close the file''' with'wb') as f: return f.write(data) def write_text(self, data: str, encoding=None, errors=None, newline=None): ''' Open the file pointed to in text mode, write data to it, and close the file. The optional parameters have the same meaning as in open(). ''' with'w', encoding=encoding, errors=errors, newline=newline) as f: return f.write(data) def home(self): '''Return the home directory returns: Home directory path ''' raise NotImplementedError(f"'home' is unsupported on '{type(self)}'") def group(self): """ Return the name of the group owning the file. """ raise NotImplementedError(f"'group' is unsupported on '{type(self)}'") def expanduser(self): """ Return a new path with expanded ~ and ~user constructs, as returned by os.path.expanduser(). Only fs path support this method. """ raise NotImplementedError( f"'expanduser' is unsupported on '{type(self)}'") def cwd(self) -> 'URIPath': '''Return current working directory returns: Current working directory ''' raise NotImplementedError(f"'cwd' is unsupported on '{type(self)}'") def iterdir(self) -> Iterator['URIPath']: ''' Get all contents of given fs path. The result is in acsending alphabetical order. :returns: All contents have in the path in acsending alphabetical order ''' raise NotImplementedError(f"'iterdir' is unsupported on '{type(self)}'") def owner(self) -> str: ''' Return the name of the user owning the file. ''' raise NotImplementedError(f"'owner' is unsupported on '{type(self)}'") def absolute(self) -> 'URIPath': ''' Make the path absolute, without normalization or resolving symlinks. Returns a new path object ''' raise NotImplementedError( f"'absolute' is unsupported on '{type(self)}'") def utime(self, atime: Union[float, int], mtime: Union[float, int]): """ Sets the access and modified times of the file specified by path to the specified values. :param atime: The access time to be set. :type atime: Union[float, int] :param mtime: The modification time to be set. :type mtime: Union[float, int] :raises NotImplementedError: Always raised, since the functionality is unsupported. """ raise NotImplementedError(f"'utime' is unsupported on '{type(self)}'") def lstat(self) -> StatResult: '''Like stat() but, if the path points to a symbolic link, return the symbolic link’s information rather than its target’s.''' return self.stat(follow_symlinks=False) class URIPathParents(Sequence): def __init__(self, path): # We don't store the instance to avoid reference cycles self.cls = type(path) parts = if len(parts) > 0 and parts[0] == path.protocol + "://": self.prefix = parts[0] = parts[1:] else: self.prefix = '' = parts def __len__(self): return max(len( - 1, 0) def __getitem__(self, idx): if idx < 0 or idx > len(self): raise IndexError(idx) if len([:-idx - 1]) > 1: other_path = os.path.join(*[:-idx - 1]) elif len([:-idx - 1]) == 1: other_path =[:-idx - 1][0] else: other_path = "" return self.cls(self.prefix + other_path)