Sftp Configuration

Sftp is a little different from other protocols, because you can set some configurations in path(sftp://[username[:password]@]hostname[:port]/file_path). But we suggest you not to use password in path. You can use environments setting configuration, and priority is that path settings take precedence over environments.

Use environments

You can use environments to setup authentication credentials:



  • SFTP_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH: ssh private key path

  • SFTP_PRIVATE_KEY_TYPE: algorithm of ssh key

  • SFTP_PRIVATE_KEY_PASSWORD: if don’t have passwd, not set this environment

  • SFTP_MAX_UNAUTH_CONN: this enviroment is about sftp server’s MaxStartups configuration, for connect to sftp server concurrently.

  • MEGFILE_SFTP_MAX_RETRY_TIMES: sftp request max retry times when catch error which may fix by retry, default is 10

  • MEGFILE_SFTP_HOST_KEY_POLICY: defining the policy when the SSH server’s hostname is not in either the system host keys or the application’s keys. Value should be one of auto, reject, warning, default is reject.

    • auto: Automatically add the host key

    • reject: Reject the connection

    • warning: Warn the user, but allow the connection