megfile.s3_path module

class megfile.s3_path.S3Path(path: str | BasePath | PathLike, *other_paths: str | BasePath | PathLike)[source]

Bases: URIPath

absolute() S3Path[source]

Make the path absolute, without normalization or resolving symlinks. Returns a new path object

access(mode: Access = Access.READ) bool[source]

Test if path has access permission described by mode


mode – access mode


bool, if the bucket of s3_url has read/write access.

copy(dst_url: str | BasePath | PathLike, callback: Callable[[int], None] | None = None, followlinks: bool = False, overwrite: bool = True) None[source]

File copy on S3 Copy content of file on src_path to dst_path. It’s caller’s responsibility to ensure the s3_isfile(src_url) is True

  • dst_path – Target file path

  • callback – Called periodically during copy, and the input parameter is the data size (in bytes) of copy since the last call

  • followlinks – False if regard symlink as file, else True

  • overwrite – whether or not overwrite file when exists, default is True

cwd() S3Path[source]

Return current working directory

returns: Current working directory

exists(followlinks: bool = False) bool[source]

Test if s3_url exists

If the bucket of s3_url are not permitted to read, return False


True if s3_url exists, else False

getmtime(follow_symlinks: bool = False) float[source]

Get last-modified time of the file on the given s3_url path (in Unix timestamp format).

If the path is an existent directory, return the latest modified time of all file in it. The mtime of empty directory is 1970-01-01 00:00:00

If s3_url is not an existent path, which means s3_exist(s3_url) returns False, then raise S3FileNotFoundError


Last-modified time


S3FileNotFoundError, UnsupportedError

getsize(follow_symlinks: bool = False) int[source]

Get file size on the given s3_url path (in bytes).

If the path in a directory, return the sum of all file size in it, including file in subdirectories (if exist).

The result excludes the size of directory itself. In other words, return 0 Byte on an empty directory path.

If s3_url is not an existent path, which means s3_exist(s3_url) returns False, then raise S3FileNotFoundError


File size


S3FileNotFoundError, UnsupportedError

glob(pattern, recursive: bool = True, missing_ok: bool = True) List[S3Path][source]

Return s3 path list in ascending alphabetical order, in which path matches glob pattern

Notes: Only glob in bucket. If trying to match bucket with wildcard characters, raise UnsupportedError

  • pattern – Glob the given relative pattern in the directory represented by this path

  • recursive – If False, ** will not search directory recursively

  • missing_ok – If False and target path doesn’t match any file, raise FileNotFoundError


UnsupportedError, when bucket part contains wildcard characters


A list contains paths match s3_pathname

glob_stat(pattern, recursive: bool = True, missing_ok: bool = True) Iterator[FileEntry][source]

Return a generator contains tuples of path and file stat, in ascending alphabetical order, in which path matches glob pattern

Notes: Only glob in bucket. If trying to match bucket with wildcard characters, raise UnsupportedError

  • pattern – Glob the given relative pattern in the directory represented by this path

  • recursive – If False, ** will not search directory recursively

  • missing_ok – If False and target path doesn’t match any file, raise FileNotFoundError


UnsupportedError, when bucket part contains wildcard characters


A generator contains tuples of path and file stat, in which paths match s3_pathname

hasbucket() bool[source]

Test if the bucket of s3_url exists


True if bucket of s3_url exists, else False

iglob(pattern, recursive: bool = True, missing_ok: bool = True) Iterator[S3Path][source]

Return s3 path iterator in ascending alphabetical order, in which path matches glob pattern

Notes: Only glob in bucket. If trying to match bucket with wildcard characters, raise UnsupportedError

  • pattern – Glob the given relative pattern in the directory represented by this path

  • recursive – If False, ** will not search directory recursively

  • missing_ok – If False and target path doesn’t match any file, raise FileNotFoundError


UnsupportedError, when bucket part contains wildcard characters


An iterator contains paths match s3_pathname

is_dir(followlinks: bool = False) bool[source]

Test if an s3 url is directory Specific procedures are as follows: If there exists a suffix, of which os.path.join(s3_url, suffix) is a file If the url is empty bucket or s3://


followlinks – whether followlinks is True or False, result is the same. Because s3 symlink not support dir.


True if path is s3 directory, else False

is_file(followlinks: bool = False) bool[source]

Test if an s3_url is file


True if path is s3 file, else False

Test whether a path is link


True if a path is link, else False



iterdir() Iterator[S3Path][source]

Get all contents of given s3_url. The order of result is in arbitrary order.


All contents have prefix of s3_url


S3FileNotFoundError, S3NotADirectoryError

listdir() List[str][source]

Get all contents of given s3_url. The result is in ascending alphabetical order.


missing_ok – if True and target directory not exists return empty list, default is True.


All contents have prefix of s3_url in ascending alphabetical order


S3FileNotFoundError, S3NotADirectoryError

load() BinaryIO[source]

Read all content in binary on specified path and write into memory

User should close the BinaryIO manually



md5(recalculate: bool = False, followlinks: bool = False) str[source]

Get md5 meta info in files that uploaded/copied via megfile

If meta info is lost or non-existent, return None

  • recalculate – calculate md5 in real-time or return s3 etag

  • followlinks – If is True, calculate md5 for real file


md5 meta info

mkdir(mode=511, parents: bool = False, exist_ok: bool = False)[source]

Create an s3 directory. Purely creating directory is invalid because it’s unavailable on OSS. This function is to test the target bucket have WRITE access.

  • mode – mode is ignored, only be compatible with pathlib.Path

  • parents – parents is ignored, only be compatible with pathlib.Path

  • exist_ok – If False and target directory exists, raise S3FileExistsError


S3BucketNotFoundError, S3FileExistsError

move(dst_url: str | BasePath | PathLike, overwrite: bool = True) None[source]

Move file/directory path from src_url to dst_url

  • dst_url – Given destination path

  • overwrite – whether or not overwrite file when exists

open(mode: str = 'r', *, encoding: str | None = None, errors: str | None = None, s3_open_func: ~typing.Callable = <function s3_buffered_open>, **kwargs) IO[source]

Open the file with mode.

property parts: Tuple[str, ...]

A tuple giving access to the path’s various components

property path_with_protocol: str

Return path with protocol, like file:///root, s3://bucket/key

property path_without_protocol: str

Return path without protocol, example: if path is s3://bucket/key, return bucket/key

protocol = 's3'

Return a S3Path instance representing the path to which the symbolic link points


Return a S3Path instance representing the path to which the symbolic link points.


S3NameTooLongError, S3BucketNotFoundError, S3IsADirectoryError, S3NotALinkError

remove(missing_ok: bool = False) None[source]

Remove the file or directory on s3, s3:// and s3://bucket are not permitted to remove


missing_ok – if False and target file/directory not exists, raise S3FileNotFoundError


S3PermissionError, S3FileNotFoundError, UnsupportedError

rename(dst_path: str | BasePath | PathLike, overwrite: bool = True) S3Path[source]

Move s3 file path from src_url to dst_url

  • dst_path – Given destination path

  • overwrite – whether or not overwrite file when exists

save(file_object: BinaryIO)[source]

Write the opened binary stream to specified path, but the stream won’t be closed


file_object – Stream to be read

scan(missing_ok: bool = True, followlinks: bool = False) Iterator[str][source]

Iteratively traverse only files in given s3 directory, in alphabetical order. Every iteration on generator yields a path string.

If s3_url is a file path, yields the file only

If s3_url is a non-existent path, return an empty generator

If s3_url is a bucket path, return all file paths in the bucket

If s3_url is an empty bucket, return an empty generator

If s3_url doesn’t contain any bucket, which is s3_url == ‘s3://’, raise UnsupportedError. walk() on complete s3 is not supported in megfile


missing_ok – If False and there’s no file in the directory, raise FileNotFoundError




A file path generator

scan_stat(missing_ok: bool = True, followlinks: bool = False) Iterator[FileEntry][source]

Iteratively traverse only files in given directory, in alphabetical order. Every iteration on generator yields a tuple of path string and file stat


missing_ok – If False and there’s no file in the directory, raise FileNotFoundError




A file path generator

scandir() ContextIterator[source]

Get all contents of given s3_url, the order of result is in arbitrary order.


All contents have prefix of s3_url


S3BucketNotFoundError, S3FileNotFoundError, S3NotADirectoryError

stat(follow_symlinks=True) StatResult[source]

Get StatResult of s3_url file, including file size and mtime, referring to s3_getsize and s3_getmtime

If s3_url is not an existent path, which means s3_exist(s3_url) returns False, then raise S3FileNotFoundError

If attempt to get StatResult of complete s3, such as s3_dir_url == ‘s3://’, raise S3BucketNotFoundError




S3FileNotFoundError, S3BucketNotFoundError

Create a symbolic link pointing to src_path named dst_path.


dst_path – Destination path


S3NameTooLongError, S3BucketNotFoundError, S3IsADirectoryError

sync(dst_url: str | BasePath | PathLike, followlinks: bool = False, force: bool = False, overwrite: bool = True) None[source]

Copy file/directory on src_url to dst_url

  • dst_url – Given destination path

  • followlinks – False if regard symlink as file, else True

  • force – Sync file forcible, do not ignore same files, priority is higher than ‘overwrite’, default is False

  • overwrite – whether or not overwrite file when exists, default is True

Remove the file on s3


missing_ok – if False and target file not exists, raise S3FileNotFoundError


S3PermissionError, S3FileNotFoundError, S3IsADirectoryError

walk(followlinks: bool = False) Iterator[Tuple[str, List[str], List[str]]][source]

Iteratively traverse the given s3 directory, in top-bottom order. In other words, firstly traverse parent directory, if subdirectories exist, traverse the subdirectories in alphabetical order.

Every iteration on generator yields a 3-tuple: (root, dirs, files)

  • root: Current s3 path;

  • dirs: Name list of subdirectories in current directory. The list is sorted by name in ascending alphabetical order;

  • files: Name list of files in current directory. The list is sorted by name in ascending alphabetical order;

If s3_url is a file path, return an empty generator

If s3_url is a non-existent path, return an empty generator

If s3_url is a bucket path, bucket will be the top directory, and will be returned at first iteration of generator

If s3_url is an empty bucket, only yield one 3-tuple (notes: s3 doesn’t have empty directory)

If s3_url doesn’t contain any bucket, which is s3_url == ‘s3://’, raise UnsupportedError. walk() on complete s3 is not supported in megfile


followlinks – whether followlinks is True or False, result is the same. Because s3 symlink not support dir.




A 3-tuple generator